Category: Baptism

And Such Were Some Of You

The first century congregation in Corinth was inundated with various problems.  Division, fornication, and scruples were just some of the issues that Paul addressed in his writings.  Yet, even though there was room for much needed growth, Paul did mention some things that the congregation had in its favor.  The apostle wrote, “Know ye not

Are You Sure That You Are Saved?

Many sermons and articles have been preached and written to instruct a sinner on how he can be saved.  God’s plan of salvation is clearly revealed in the New Testament.  If an accountable person hears the Word of God, believes Jesus is the Son of God, repents of past sins, confesses that Jesus is the

Profoundly Simple

To have sat at the feet of Jesus, and to have heard Him teach, would have been a life changing event.  Our Lord had a way of teaching that was different from every other person’s.  On one occasion, certain officers who were charged with taking Jesus into custody acknowledged that “Never man spake like this

The Operation of God

The odds are extremely high that at some point in our lives we will need an operation/surgery. It might be something minor that is not very invasive, or it may be something major that requires extensive procedures. Either way, we are accustomed to the process. With that being said, did you know that God was

The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus

Throughout the book of Acts, there are different accounts of individuals that were saved. One such person was a man named Saul. We are first introduced to Saul near the end of Acts chapter seven. An angry mob of Jews were attacking the faithful preacher, Stephen. During that ordeal, the Bible records, “And cast him