Category: Christian Living

Submit, Resist, Draw, Cleanse, and Purify – Part One

The book of James has been called the Proverbs of the New Testament.  The reason for such is the great amount of wisdom and knowledge that can be gained from a study of it.  Through simple and easy to understand statements, James instructs the child of God on various issues.  Take for instance the following

Yes, It Is Still There

When writing to the church in Corinth, the apostle Paul dealt with many problems and errors that existed in that congregation. One specific issue involved a son and his father’s wife. The record of this teaching is found in First Corinthians chapter five. Paul did not “beat around the bush” with this issue. He got

A Good Work

The twenty first century has many threats that can hinder, harm, and harass the church of Christ. In the modern society, sin is not only accepted, but encouraged. Thus, the work that the church of Christ does in evangelism, edification, and benevolence is extremely important during this time. If the church of Christ is not

Stablished In The Faith

When Paul penned what we today call the book of Colossians, he was struggling inside over the fact that he had not seen those brethren in person. He wrote, “For I would that ye knew what great conflict I have for you, and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen

How Often Do You Look? Part One

You might be wondering about the title of this article. After all, there seems to be something missing. How often do I look at what? The answer lies in the first chapter of the book of James. In the context of teaching that a man must not only be a hearer of the Word, but

As a Nurse Cherisheth Her Children

When one studies the works of the apostle Paul, it becomes very apparent that he had a great deal of concern and love for the ones with which he worked. One of those groups was the church of the Thessalonians. Along with Silvanus and Timotheus, Paul expressed his care for the congregation when he wrote,

The Consequences Of Sin

When you were a child, did your parents ever tell you to do something or face the consequences? I am pretty sure that most readers understood what their parents meant by such a statement. If the instructed chore were not accomplished within a reasonable amount of time, then there was a suitable punishment that awaited.

Why Did God Choose Job?

A study of the book of Job is one that will leave the reader better than he was before. In that book, Job demonstrates a great deal of endurance during a difficult span in his life. His example is one that will help modern man learn how to handle hardships. In the New Testament, James

What Are We Willing To Lose?

The most important decision that a man can make is whether or not to become a Christian. It truly is a matter of everlasting consequences. If the man decides that he wants to go to Heaven, and thus decides to obey the Gospel, he should understand that there are some things that he may have

Lying Is Still A Sin

It is a sad commentary on our society that many people just assume that lying is part of everyday life. It has become so common that many no longer see the damage that every lie causes. There are some who have convinced themselves that lying under certain circumstances is not only allowable, but favorable. In