Category: Christian Living

The Old Man And The New Man (Part 1)

We are tremendously blessed to have copies of the Bible. In our hands we can hold and read the very Word of God. When we take the opportunity to study our Bibles, we find directions and instructions of how God wants us to live. In what we call the book of Ephesians, the apostle Paul,

Faithful Unto Death

The life of a Christian is portrayed by Paul as a “warfare” (1 Timothy 1:18). As with any “warfare”, a Christian should understand that there is the possibility of casualties and deaths. Paul himself would live his life in such a way that his life was taken due to his faithfulness to God. Paul’s courage

Hindrances To Prayer

For Christians, it is hard to imagine going through our daily lives without the blessing of prayer. However, if we are not careful, our prayers may not be accepted by God. First of all, Christians need to make sure that they address prayer to the proper One. Can you imagine what it would be like

Love Enough to Hate

Under the idea of inclusion and equality, the world has done a good job of conditioning our society that there should be no “hate”. While I readily admit that some forms of “hate” are appalling and unrighteous, the Bible does not teach that everything should be accepted just because it is widely embraced. It might

Pure In Speech

Unfortunately, it has become quite common to hear an abundance of vulgarity come from the mouths of mankind. It rears its head not only amongst men, but we even hear it spew from the mouths of women and children. One cannot remain on a middle school, high school, or college campus for very long without

Not As Uncertainly

Have you ever wondered whether all of your faithfulness is really worth it? Have the seeds of doubt entered into your mind? More than likely you are not alone in your thoughts. At some time or other, the Christian is going to notice that he is abstaining from sinful things while non-Christians revel in worldly

A Fresh Start

At some point in time, all accountable individuals unfortunately make the mistake of committing sin. The Bible makes it clear what sin is. “Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law” (1 John 3:4). Also, “All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not unto death” (1

Are We Truly Servants?

From time to time, we have different jobs that need to be done. Sometimes we might delay doing certain works because of the difficulty or degree of uncleanness. If we are not careful, then we might have this happen in our service, or lack thereof, to Christ. Long ago, Jesus took the opportunity to teach

Nothing Wavering

One of the absolute necessities to be a Christian is faith. The writer of Hebrews stated, “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” (Heb. 11:6). With that being said, just

Blessed And Thankful

It is good to be reminded frequently just how blessed Christians really are. Christians are given all spiritual blessings (Eph. 1:3). Likewise, God blesses the faithful with the necessities of this life (Matt. 6:24-34). Above all men, we should be extremely thankful. Sadly though, there are times when we lose sight of our blessings. By