Category: Doctrine

A Dilemma

Are you familiar with what a dilemma is? Without having to retrieve a dictionary, let me try to define “dilemma” in simple and easy to understand terms. Imagine that you are presented with a decision that you have to make between two things. Unfortunately for you though, if you decide either way, you will have

The Yoke Of Bondage

It is disappointing that at this stage of human history, many people are truly ignorant of God’s Word. The average man on the street struggles with some of the most basic truths in Scripture. It is reminiscent of the time when Hosea lived. He wrote, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou

The Old Man And The New Man (Part 1)

We are tremendously blessed to have copies of the Bible. In our hands we can hold and read the very Word of God. When we take the opportunity to study our Bibles, we find directions and instructions of how God wants us to live. In what we call the book of Ephesians, the apostle Paul,

The Grace Of God

One of the simplest, but often misunderstood attributes of God is His grace. The Psalmist wrote, “…the LORD is gracious and full of compassion” (Psm. 111:4). That indicates that God bestows much on mankind that man does not deserve. If man received what he deserves, then mankind would have been destroyed a long time ago.

If It Be Of God

Throughout history there have been many times where men and women have fought for causes and beliefs. It usually starts as something small. Maybe there are just a handful of people at first. Then, as time goes on, more and more seem to be attracted to the efforts made by others. Sometimes the movement can

Will God Ignore Sin Because He Loves Us?

The love of God is an amazing thing! God’s love is so great that John was inspired to write, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Jesus went on to say, “Greater love hath no

Self Examination

For some people, one of the hardest things to do is be introspective. Introspection is the process of looking inward instead of outward. That means that focus is placed on seeing positives and negatives in our own lives. This causes some mental problems for certain individuals. Instead of living in such a way as to

The Foolishness Of God

Before we delve much further into this discussion, I believe that it is good to explain that Paul was not insulting, demeaning, or blaspheming God. Instead, Paul was using a type of sarcasm on the recipients of his letter at Corinth. Truth be told, there is nothing foolish about God. God is the opposite of

Hindrances To Prayer

For Christians, it is hard to imagine going through our daily lives without the blessing of prayer. However, if we are not careful, our prayers may not be accepted by God. First of all, Christians need to make sure that they address prayer to the proper One. Can you imagine what it would be like

Love Enough to Hate

Under the idea of inclusion and equality, the world has done a good job of conditioning our society that there should be no “hate”. While I readily admit that some forms of “hate” are appalling and unrighteous, the Bible does not teach that everything should be accepted just because it is widely embraced. It might