Category: Marriage

A Woman Taken In Adultery

It is truly a blessing to have copies of the Bible that we can read and study.  In the Word of God, we are told of many different things that have happened over the history of mankind.  Some of those things are great accomplishments, while others are terrible failures.  When Jesus was alive on the

Is It Really That Hard To Understand?

How many times have you heard it? “The Bible is just too hard for me to understand?” There are multitudes of individuals that have convinced themselves of such. Is it true though? Let us look at some verses and see just how difficult they are to understand. Next, what about these verses: “And he answered

“Bible Scholars Disagree” Argument

            There has been a discussion on one of the groups of which I am a member about those who are departing from “the faith.” 1 Timothy 4:1. Some doctrinal issues have been discussed such as the 70 AD doctrine, divorce, premillennialism, and some others. One point was made about “Bible Scholars Disagree.” Their point was,

Jesus Did Not Condemn It In The Gospels

I heard the title of this article on Fox News when they interviewed Patricia Ireland, the president of the National Organization of Women (N.O.W.). The subject matter being discussed was the passing of the one man for one woman law in eleven states during the election of November 2, 2008. Ms. Ireland stated that she