Category: Salvation

Deliver Such An One Unto Satan

How do you think you would feel if you gave your children a command to obey, but then they simply ignored the command?  I imagine that it would upset you.  Now, imagine how God must feel when He gives us a command, and then we refuse to obey it.  Anger, disappointment, and hurt are just

Be Thou An Example

A lot of us have a certain someone from our pasts that was a mentor/example.  For some it was a grandparent or parent.  For others it might have been a close friend that took someone under his wing.  Regardless, the impacts made in the lives of others are extraordinary.  For some of us, that example

Walk And Beware

The life of a Christian is indeed blessed.  Having obeyed the Gospel, the child of God enjoys all of the privileges that come with such.  Take for instance the following examples:  forgiveness of sins, reconciliation, redemption, sanctification, justification, and all spiritual blessings.  However, with all of the blessings, the Christian must remember that obeying the

The Power Of God

          For most of us, we have heard and/or read Matthew 28:18-20 and Mark 16:15-16.  In both of those accounts, Jesus is on record as having commanded either teaching or preaching.  In Mark’s account, Jesus said, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). 

Child Of God Or Child Of The Devil?

Amidst all of the confusion and noise that this world has, you might be surprised to realize how simple some things really are.  Take for instance, the world’s population is close to eight billion now.  Yet, all of those people can be classified into one of two categories.  The first category is a child of

Submit, Resist, Draw, Cleanse, and Purify – Part Two

        James then wrote, “Cleanse your hands, ye sinners”.  There are various references in both the Old and New Testaments that deal with the issues of cleanliness.  Under the Old Law, the nation of Israel could be “unclean” for various reasons.  Each time, they were expected to do what was required so

A Man Of Sorrows – Part One

The prophet Isaiah has been referred to as the Messianic prophet. The reason for such is that Isaiah goes into great detail about the Messiah, Jesus. While Isaiah never refers to Jesus by name, it is extremely apparent to a studied Bible student that Isaiah wrote of the Christ. In Isaiah chapter fifty-three, Isaiah revealed

Yes, It Is Still There

When writing to the church in Corinth, the apostle Paul dealt with many problems and errors that existed in that congregation. One specific issue involved a son and his father’s wife. The record of this teaching is found in First Corinthians chapter five. Paul did not “beat around the bush” with this issue. He got

Behold, I Thought

One of the duties of a prophet was to be a sort of “spokesperson for God”. To further clarify, prophets would receive revelation from God, and then the prophets would tell such to people. This is important to understand for the remainder of this article. The reason is that we will be introduced to a

How Often Do You Look? Part One

You might be wondering about the title of this article. After all, there seems to be something missing. How often do I look at what? The answer lies in the first chapter of the book of James. In the context of teaching that a man must not only be a hearer of the Word, but