Category: Salvation

The Consequences Of Sin

When you were a child, did your parents ever tell you to do something or face the consequences? I am pretty sure that most readers understood what their parents meant by such a statement. If the instructed chore were not accomplished within a reasonable amount of time, then there was a suitable punishment that awaited.

The Birth Of Jesus

As many have experienced, there is nothing quite like the birth of a child. For many reasons it is a joyous occasion. With that being stated, there is one particular birth that above all others gave more reasons to rejoice. That was the birth of Jesus, the Christ. We are privileged to have the event

The Words Of The Preacher

After years of studying God’s Word, I am still amazed at the depth of knowledge that is contained therein. Even though it has been almost two thousand years since Its completion, the Bible is just as relevant as if it were written today. The New Testament instructs modern man how that he should live during

Preach The Word

As difficult as it might be to admit, we now live in a time period when many people do not want the truth. To understand what I mean by that, we need to make sure that we correctly identify the truth. Divine defining is far better than earthly endeavors when it comes to such. Jesus

What Are We Willing To Lose?

The most important decision that a man can make is whether or not to become a Christian. It truly is a matter of everlasting consequences. If the man decides that he wants to go to Heaven, and thus decides to obey the Gospel, he should understand that there are some things that he may have

Lying Is Still A Sin

It is a sad commentary on our society that many people just assume that lying is part of everyday life. It has become so common that many no longer see the damage that every lie causes. There are some who have convinced themselves that lying under certain circumstances is not only allowable, but favorable. In

More Or Less

While I am not against the Bible being printed in chapters and verses, sometimes man’s attempt to make things easier can make things more difficult. There are different times in the Bible when the writer continues his teaching into the next designated chapter. If we are not careful, then we could mistakenly believe that just

Keeping The Faith

It can rightly be said that faithfulness is absolutely essential for the salvation of man. In His letter to the church in Smyrna, Jesus stated, “Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten

The Resurrection

The truth of Christianity hinges upon the legitimacy of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If Jesus did not come out of the tomb triumphantly, then Christianity would be one of the biggest frauds in the history of mankind. However, the Word of God accurately states the following: “Now upon the first day of the week,

Wells Without Water

In different parts of the Bible, God is very plain and firm when it comes to the attitudes and behaviors of those that live sinful lifestyles. Often times, along with the descriptions of their transgressions, there is a foretelling of the punishment that awaits those that will not repent. One of those places of Scripture