Category: Salvation

The Comfort of the LORD

Each person needs encouragement, motivation, and comfort from time to time. That includes Christians. Even though we are blessed tremendously, we are not immune to the effects of the enormous amount of evil and sadness in the world. With that being true, where do we turn when those things rear their heads? While writing one

The Axe is Laid Unto the Root

When studying the Bible, one learns that under the Law of Moses there was one select group that was considered “God’s people”. That group is known as the Israelites/Jews. By being of the physical seed line of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, some had come to behave as if they were spiritually untouchable. That mistake is

Faith That Saves

If you were to ask me if we are saved by faith, then I would readily affirm such. However, if you were to ask me if we are saved by faith alone, then I would just as readily deny such. There is no doubt that faith is a key factor in the salvation of man.

The Grace Of God

One of the simplest, but often misunderstood attributes of God is His grace. The Psalmist wrote, “…the LORD is gracious and full of compassion” (Psm. 111:4). That indicates that God bestows much on mankind that man does not deserve. If man received what he deserves, then mankind would have been destroyed a long time ago.

If It Be Of God

Throughout history there have been many times where men and women have fought for causes and beliefs. It usually starts as something small. Maybe there are just a handful of people at first. Then, as time goes on, more and more seem to be attracted to the efforts made by others. Sometimes the movement can

Will God Ignore Sin Because He Loves Us?

The love of God is an amazing thing! God’s love is so great that John was inspired to write, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Jesus went on to say, “Greater love hath no

Faithful Unto Death

The life of a Christian is portrayed by Paul as a “warfare” (1 Timothy 1:18). As with any “warfare”, a Christian should understand that there is the possibility of casualties and deaths. Paul himself would live his life in such a way that his life was taken due to his faithfulness to God. Paul’s courage

Obeying What Is Commanded

It truly is amazing how many times mankind has been unwilling simply to obey what is commanded of them. All the way in the beginning, Adam and Eve were guilty of such. The LORD commanded “…Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and

The Foolishness Of God

Before we delve much further into this discussion, I believe that it is good to explain that Paul was not insulting, demeaning, or blaspheming God. Instead, Paul was using a type of sarcasm on the recipients of his letter at Corinth. Truth be told, there is nothing foolish about God. God is the opposite of

Hindrances To Prayer

For Christians, it is hard to imagine going through our daily lives without the blessing of prayer. However, if we are not careful, our prayers may not be accepted by God. First of all, Christians need to make sure that they address prayer to the proper One. Can you imagine what it would be like