When God Shuts The Door

At different times, I, and others, have prayed to the Father for “doors” to be opened so that good works can be done.  Through His providence, God has done just that over the years.  However, we need to realize that the same God Who opens those “doors” is the same God Who can shut “doors”

Worse And Worse

The third chapter of Second Timothy is both revealing and depressing at the same time.  Please do not misunderstand me, I am not demeaning any part of the Word of God.  I am simply expressing how one can feel when he reads that chapter, and then compares it to the modern-day problems that exist.  Let


Words can be very powerful.  For instance, what enters your mind when someone says “love”?  Likewise, what enters your mind when someone says “hate”?  Each of these words can be used to convey different thoughts.  If not careful, one might misuse a word, and by so doing, cause many problems.  With that in mind, I

Why We Should Rejoice

It is truly saddening to know that there are so many people bowed down in sorrow and dismay. This sadness is not just found in those in the world, but also it is found amongst members of the body of Christ. While I am not trying to diminish anyone’s situation in life, Christians should be,

Read It To Me Again

When you were young, did you ever have a favorite “bedtime” story that you enjoyed.  Maybe it was about a knight and a princess, or perhaps it was about Jack and a beanstalk.  Whatever it might have been, did it seem like you ever tired of hearing it?  When your Mom and Dad read you

Calling Out False Teachers

From time to time, there are certain individuals who express a concern about identifying and exposing those who teach doctrines contrary to the Law of Christ.  Sometimes the thought might be that by doing such, matters might get worse.  While that may seem true in the immediate future, we must never stop taking a stand

Justice And Vengeance

No matter how many times I read it, the Sermon on the Mount is still so powerful and useful.  Whether it is the beatitudes at the beginning, or “the wise man building his house on the rock” at the end, the Sermon on the Mount still stands as a masterpiece.  Let us take the opportunity

More Preaching

          We live in a time when “old fashioned” preaching is ridiculed and disliked by so many.  Some, so called preachers, have traded the Scriptures for fables, “feel good stories”, jokes and the like.  There is a trend among some preachers to speak only “positively”.  The idea of repentance and change

Thy First Love

            The book of Revelation is a great study about the victory that faithful Christians enjoy.  In the very first verse, the apostle John made it clear that the book is “signified” (Rev. 1:1).  As one will notice, the root of “signified” is sign.  John was letting the reader know that the things contained in

The Fear Of The Lord

          I will just come right out and say it!  Many do not fear the LORD.  I do not say that with any joy.  It is a terrible thing that exists in a large part of the world.  However, we should not begin to believe that this is the first time that such a lack